A lack of clear rules has led to a large amount of idle capacity, however, as the State Grid often refuses to link up wind power generation sites typically in remote locations to its network. 然而,明晰规定的欠缺导致大量产能被闲置,国家电网常常拒绝将风力发电站一般位于偏远地区接入其网络。
This paper focuses on the link resource discovery technology which uses Loss-of-Light to discover the idle link resource in ASON/ GMPLS network. 本文研究的链路资源发现技术就是使用光丢失方法来完成ASON/GMPLS网络中的空闲链路资源发现。
This paper presents an algorithm for dynamic bandwidth re-use, the algorithm could not violate the principle of isolation, and also incentive service provider with idle bandwidth resources to open up access to other service providers, to improve the utilization of physical link. 针对此问题,本文提出了动态带宽资源重利用算法,该算法能够解决在不违背隔离性原则的条件下,激励SP将其临时空闲带宽资源租赁给其他需要的SPs,从而提高物理链路利用率。